Abhyanga Therapy

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Abhyanga therapy is a traditional Ayurvedic massage technique that involves the use of warm herbal oils to massage the body. The massage is typically performed by two therapists, who use synchronized strokes to massage the entire body, including the head and ears.

The massage is believed to balance the doshas (biological humors) and promote overall health and well-being. It is believed to stimulate the lymphatic system, improve circulation, and nourish the skin. It also helps to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep.

The massage is typically performed with herbal oils that are chosen to suit the individual’s constitution and specific health condition. The massage is usually done for about 45-60 minutes and is usually performed before a shower or bath.

Abhyanga therapy can be used as a standalone therapy or as a part of a Panchakarma treatment. It’s important to note that Abhyanga therapy should only be performed under the guidance of an experienced and qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. It should not be attempted without proper training and knowledge of the procedure and contraindications.


  1. Selection of oil: The Ayurvedic practitioner will select an oil that is appropriate for the individual’s constitution and specific health condition. The oil is typically warm to ensure that the body absorbs it well.
  2. Massage: The massage begins with the therapist applying warm oil to the scalp and ears. They then proceed to massage the face, neck, shoulders, and upper body. The massage then moves on to the arms, legs, and feet, using synchronized strokes.
  3. Marma Points: Marma points are energy points in the body that are targeted during the massage, to help balance the doshas and promote overall health and well-being.
  4. Steam bath: After the massage, the patient is usually given a steam bath to help open the pores and allow the oil to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  5. Shower: After the steam bath, the patient takes a shower to remove the oil from the body.
  6. Relaxation: After the shower, the patient is advised to relax for a while, to allow the body to absorb the benefits of the massage.


Why people undergo Abhyanga therapy

  1. To balance the doshas: Abhyanga therapy is believed to balance the doshas (biological humors), which are thought to be the root cause of many health problems.
  2. To improve circulation: The massage is believed to stimulate the lymphatic system and improve circulation, which can help to remove toxins from the body and improve overall health.
  3. To nourish the skin: Abhyanga therapy is believed to nourish the skin, keeping it soft, smooth, and glowing.
  4. To reduce stress and promote relaxation: The massage is believed to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can lead to improved sleep, reduced anxiety and depression, and a general sense of well-being.
  5. To improve muscle and joint flexibility: The massage is believed to improve muscle and joint flexibility, reducing pain and stiffness.
  6. To improve immunity: Massage is believed to improve the immunity of the body and prevent diseases.
  7. To rejuvenate the body: Abhyanga therapy is believed to rejuvenate the body, keeping it healthy and strong.


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