Healing Meditation

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Meditation has been widely recognized as a powerful tool for addressing a range of physical, emotional and spiritual issues. In recent years, many hospitals and clinics have started incorporating meditation and imagery techniques into their healing process, recognizing their value in promoting well-being.

The meditation technique presented in this blog post has roots in Tibetan practices and has been adapted into a more accessible form by Dr. Lobsang Rapgay, a Tibetan Ayurvedic physician. The intention behind meditation is to bring benefits to all beings, not just oneself.

The meditation begins by relaxing the body, tensing and then releasing each muscle group from the feet to the facial muscles. The next step is to sit in silence for a few moments to prepare for the meditation. Then, the focus shifts to bringing to mind the particular problem that needs healing and any associated feelings and thoughts. The goal is to ask for healing not only for oneself but for all beings who suffer.

Next, the meditator brings to mind an image of their ideal healer, whether it be a therapist, spiritual teacher, God, enlightened being or any other entity they associate with healing energy. The healer is then asked for their help and the meditator imagines the healer being pleased and agreeing to help. White light is then visualized as coming from the healer and flowing into the meditator, dissolving all problems and healing the affected areas. This process is repeated 3, 7, or 21 times.

Finally, the healing energy is visualized by being sent to others, strengthening the meditator and making them feel more confident and balanced. Gratitude is expressed for the help received from the healer and the image is then allowed to dissolve into space.

For those who prefer a simpler meditation technique, the blog post suggests a yogic exercise that can be done anywhere and only takes a few moments. The exercise involves inhaling and exhaling to a count of 4:7:8, with the tip of the tongue resting behind the front teeth. This simple technique can be very powerful with regular practice.

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