Ayurvedic Living: Avoiding the Pitfalls

Navigating Life's Pitfalls with Ayurveda's Time-Tested Wisdom

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  1. Avoid eating when you are not hungry
  2. Avoid eating heavy and incompatible food combinations
  3. Avoid eating quickly
  4. Avoid eating while standing or walking
  5. Avoid eating while engaged in other activities, such as watching TV or working on the computer
  6. Avoid eating late at night
  7. Avoid eating while feeling stressed or anxious
  8. Avoid eating cold or raw foods
  9. Avoid eating processed or packaged foods
  10. Avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest, such as fried or greasy foods
  11. Avoid drinking cold water with meals or immediately after meals
  12. Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco
  13. Avoid overindulging in sexual activity
  14. Avoid suppressing natural urges such as urination, bowel movement, sneezing, or yawning
  15. Avoid exposing yourself to environmental toxins and pollutants
  16. Avoid engaging in excessive physical activity or exercise immediately after eating.
  17. Avoid sleeping immediately after eating.
  18. Avoid prolonged sitting or inactivity.
  19. Consuming excessive amounts of processed or refined foods
  20. Eating foods that are incompatible with your body type or current state of health
  21. Skipping meals or eating at irregular times
  22. Exposing yourself to environmental toxins or excessive amounts of stress
  23. Overeating or indulging in excessive amounts of sweet, sour, or salty foods
  24. Ignoring the signs of imbalance in your body, such as changes in digestion or sleep patterns
  25. Engaging in activities that are incompatible with your body type or current state of health
  26. Failing to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
  27. Avoiding extreme temperatures, such as taking cold showers or sitting in saunas for prolonged periods.
  28. Avoiding exposure to loud noise, bright lights, and other forms of sensory overload.
  29. Avoiding exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices such as computers, smartphones, and televisions.
  30. Practicing daily self-care routines, such as oil massage, yoga, and meditation.
  31. Keeping regular sleep and wake cycles to maintain balance of the biological clock and to allow the body to rest and rejuvenate properly.
  32. Maintaining a daily routine, including regular meal times and activities, to maintain balance and stability in the body.
  33. Practising proper hygiene and maintaining a clean living environment.
  34. Getting regular exercise and engaging in activities that promote physical strength and flexibility.
  35. Avoiding overuse of medications and over-the-counter drugs, and seeking natural remedies whenever possible.
  36. Cultivating a positive and balanced state of mind through practices such as gratitude, mindfulness, and self-reflection.
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