The Importance of Mindful Food Selection in Ayurveda

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In the ancient times of the rishis, the world was a simpler and cleaner place. As we progress through time, the considerations we make regarding our diet become more complex. These guidelines, while not necessarily traditional, embody the essence of Ayurvedic philosophy.

  1. Opt for Organic Foods: Organic food not only protects you from harmful chemicals that harm your health and cause ageing, but also contains higher amounts of essential nutrients, particularly trace minerals, which are vital for maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails, and temperament.
  2. Eat Locally Grown Foods: Eating food grown in your region or within a 400-mile radius ensures that you consume food from a similar climate zone, promoting your overall well-being and appearance.
  3. Choose Seasonal Foods: Eating seasonal foods ensures that they are freshest and most suited to the current climate. For instance, consume greens in the spring, zucchini in the summer, carrots in the fall, and acorn squash in the winter. These foods are rich in vitality and provide more energy.
  4. Pay Attention to Dosha-Specific Foods: Consider your dosha dominance when selecting food. Additionally, be mindful of the season and time of day when a particular dosha is naturally heightened, and adjust your food choices accordingly. When travelling or eating out, be extra mindful of food selection.
  5. Fresh Food is Key: Freshly prepared foods are ideal, but fresh leftovers (no more than 24 hours old) are still preferable to fast food.
  6. Avoid Unfavorable Food Combinations: Steer clear of poor food combinations such as very hot and very cold foods, raw and cooked foods, milk and fish, or milk and meat.
  7. Say No to Microwaves: Cooking with a microwave disperses energy instead of condensing it, leading to weakened health over time. This has been scientifically and empirically proven.
  8. Make Food Appealing: Ensure that your food looks and smells appetizing. A pleasing presentation and attractive table setting can also promote a sense of harmony at mealtime.
  9. Drink Spring or Purified Water: Spring water or purified water is best, while distilled water should be avoided. Distilled water is devoid of all minerals and can lead to the leaching of minerals from your body, weakening bones, teeth, hair, nails, and skin. Mineral formulations can be added to distilled water to mitigate this issue.
  10. Chew Thoroughly: Chew each bite of food well, until it is liquidy.
  11. Finish with Lassi: Finish your meal with a glass of lassi, a drink made from yoghurt that contains live acidophilus bacteria, which is beneficial for digestion. The modern diet can be harsh on the intestinal flora, leading to imbalances and digestive issues. Acidophilus helps restore balance. Homemade yoghurt is best, and the ideal recipe for your dosha can be found in the corresponding section.”
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