Tips for Achieving a Peaceful Sleep

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  • Prior to hitting the hay, wash your hands, face, and feet, and clean your teeth and mouth.
  • It’s best to avoid eating or drinking, especially spicy or fatty foods and caffeinated drinks like coffee, black tea, or soda, for two hours before bed. Caffeine can disrupt your sleep and cause restlessness. Similarly, steer clear of alcohol before bedtime as it can lead to poor quality sleep and early waking.
  • Take a few moments to meditate and clear your mind before bed.
  • Ensure that your sleeping environment is quiet, cool, and well-ventilated. Avoid any smells that can keep your nervous system alert when it should be relaxed.
  • Sleep on your right side to encourage deeper sleep. Breathing through your left nostril can calm and cool your body. You can even close your right nostril to enhance this effect.
  • Placing your head in the east while sleeping can lead to peaceful dreams and restful sleep while sleeping with your head facing west can result in restless sleep and distressing dreams. If you place your head in the south, it can aid in charging and healing your body, however sleeping with your head in the north can lead to energy draining. If you’re sick, avoid sleeping in this position as it may slow down the recovery process.
  • For added security and relaxation, try sleeping facing the main bedroom door and next to a wall. Having a sleeping companion, whether human or animal, can also help those who have nervous Vata tendencies.


Effective Techniques for Overcoming Insomnia and Improving Sleep Quality

  • Daily exercise helps rid the body of adrenaline that builds up from stress, keeping both the body and mind relaxed.
  • Implement relaxation techniques during the day or after work. You can also perform these exercises just before bedtime. These relaxation exercises can help increase alpha brainwave stimulation. Conduct these exercises in a place separate from sleep and relaxation, such as a lounge chair or couch, rather than in your bed. Doing this before bed can help you settle down and avoid going to bed in a highly tired or mentally active state.
  • Stretch the spine, neck, and shoulder areas, which tend to accumulate the most tension throughout the day, before bedtime. One approach is to lie on the floor on your back, draw up your knees, and rock back and forth on your spine, which helps loosen the spine and improve circulation. This can help the entire body to relax.
  • Take a lukewarm bath, then pat yourself dry and immediately go to bed. Hot showers and baths stimulate circulation, elevating the heart rate, and making it difficult to settle down to sleep.
  • Adding herbal decoctions to your bath can help calm both the body and mind into a peaceful state.
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